
2024-10-21 13:38来源:


《城市:天际线II》是备受赞誉的城市发展模拟游戏《城市:天际线》的续集。继续之前的工作,Colossal Order将负责开发。在游戏发布之前,他们就宣布游戏将“没有达到预期的基准”。因此,这款游戏一开始就存在缺乏优化的问题,在发行后,我们收到了关于性能问题的报告。



这次Paavo Huhtala对这款游戏的性能问题进行了独立的验证,详细的发现如下。报告已经完成。他是芬兰IT公司Reaktor的软件开发人员。尽管他将游戏引擎作为一种爱好,偶尔也会进行图像编程,但他在开头表示自己并不是一名专业的图像程序员。很明显,他的一些分析可能是错误的。

请注意,Mr. Paavo是在应用1.0.11f1补丁的环境中进行验证的,因此有可能在1.0.12f1补丁中修复了文章中报告的一些问题,该补丁将在稍后发布。然而,他认为,即使有了这个补丁,也很难说问题已经解决了。为了验证,我们使用了一台配备NVIDIA RTX 3080 GPU和AMD Ryzen 7 5800X CPU的中端PC。显然,图形调试器“Renderdoc”被用于调查。




According to Paavo, the parts that took the most time in the frame time were the Pre-pass and Main pass. This work apparently uses deferred rendering, which draws and lights objects separately, and a 3D model is constructed through each pass. One of the reasons why these processes took so long was apparently the large number of polygons in the citizen character models. The characters in this work have separate polygon meshes for teeth, eyelashes, etc., and even when they are "naked" before hair, clothes, or accessories are added, a huge number of polygons are used.

Furthermore, the characters' polygon meshes do not have variations for LOD (Level of Detail). To put it simply, LOD is a mechanism that renders objects far away from the player's point of view roughly, while objects that are close to the player's perspective are rendered in detail. The aim is to change the drawing depending on the distance and reduce the processing required for drawing. However, at the time of Mr. Paavo's latest verification, this work did not have a variation such as reducing the number of polygons of the model seen from a distance, and it seems that the citizen model was rendered in detail no matter what distance it was viewed from. .The lack of character LOD is also reported by the developer and overseas media.PC GamerThis was acknowledged in a statement to.

Additionally, multiple 3D models with an unnecessarily large number of polygons were found not only in character models but also in small objects around town. Examples include objects such as a case of gas cylinders, a clothesline placed in a residential garden, and a computer keyboard or display inside a building. In addition to the clothespins on the clothesline, even small details that you don't normally see, such as the cables extending from the keyboard and display, were modeled. Additionally, there was a tendency for small items to not have variations suitable for LOD.


Mr. Paavo pointed out that the problem is that there are too many detailed 3D models piled up that are rarely seen. In simulation games like this one, where you create a city, models that are not optimized may be crowded together in a single frame, which is an unnecessary burden on the GPU, he said. In addition to this, the game's "culling process", which reduces the load by not drawing invisible parts of objects, was insufficient. In addition, it seems that there was a large burden on processing shadows.

Why was it released with problems?

Mr. Paavo also speculates on the reason why this work was released with the problems mentioned above.According to him, the reason for the graphical issues is that Colossal Order is using Unity's new systemData-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS)It is said that there are some points in which it is adopted.

The system being developed as DOTS is said to be created using a data-oriented approach that increases the independence of data, rather than the conventional object-oriented approach where data and processing are integrated.for exampleECS (Entity Component System)It is possible to rearrange data specifically for memory access efficiency.AlsoC# Job SystemIt is also possible to maximize the performance of a multi-core CPU by using .

According to Paavo, this work is being developed using Unity 2022.3.7 version as the game engine.In the same version, ECS, which is a part of DOTS,Burst compilerNew technologies such as these are being used. He also praised the introduction of DOTS in this work, "Cities: Skylines II," which makes use of multiple CPU cores much more efficiently than in the previous game. However, on the other hand, we speculate that many of the graphics-related problems are indirectly caused by the new mechanism.

这是因为这项工作使用Direct3D 11和Unity的高清渲染管道(HDRP)来绘制图形。然而,HDRP只适用于传统的基于单一行为的对象,所以使用DOTS(如ECS)构建的游戏将需要转换。Unity为此提供了一种机制。实体图形虽然有一个包可用,但Paavo说在这项工作中没有使用它。


因此,根据Paavo的研究,《Colossal Order》在使用DOTS时似乎自己建立了一个“连接”系统来绘制图形。因此,如前所述,剔除过程是在不足状态下实现的,这会影响性能。再加上前面提到的3D模型中的大量多边形和LOD不足,游戏目前对GPU的负载非常高。


Paavo先生推测,Colossal Order采用DOTS是为了消除CPU使用瓶颈,这是之前工作中的一个问题。因此,针对多核cpu的优化似乎已经实现,他认为这款游戏作为模拟游戏具有更大的规模和深度。然而,工作室可能过于依赖官方引擎对DOTS渲染的支持,并不得不在最后一刻自己执行它,导致在优化完成之前发布。我解释了我的观点,没有这样的事情。他说他自己作为软件开发人员也有类似的经历,并且对这些情况有一定程度的理解。

帕沃还回答了一位读者提出的问题,“也许这个作品应该用虚幻引擎5来制作。”他说,对于LOD,你可以使用Nanite,同样的引擎,而对于照明和阴影,你可以使用Lumen和Virtual Shadow Maps等功能。然而,他也认为它不提供与ECS相同的功能,后者允许你构建游戏玩法逻辑和大规模模拟。

Paavo还解释说,因为UE5的编程语言是c++,所以它比Unity更不灵活,更容易创建mod。在之前的游戏中,mod是一个很受欢迎的元素,而开发mod的低障碍可能也是这款游戏的一个重要特点。Unity和UE5都需要资源密集型的专有执行,像Colossal Order这样的小公司可能不得不冒险依靠官方支持。

